Thursday, February 26, 2009

So, it's apparently my birthday...

Today, I'm 22. I feel old. Especially since I just realized all that I've lived through so far. Some of which I'm ashamed to have witnessed...

* Both Timothy Dalton and Pierce Brosnan's James Bond careers
* The Spice Girls
* New Kids On The Block (y'know, before Donnie Wahlberg turned cool and starred in "Saw")
* The entire Jay and Silent Bob series
* The cancellation, 16-year hiatus, and reboot of "Doctor Who" (I think I managed to live through all of Sylvester McCoy's tenure, which makes me feel REALLY old)
* N*Sync
* Hanson
* The life and death of the Super Nintendo, Game Boy, Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Gamecube, Sega Saturn, Playstation 1, original XBox, Sega Dreamcast, Atari Lynx, Game Gear, etcetera, etcetera...
* For that matter, the massive popularity, popularity slump, and dissolution of Sega, and the unforeseen passing of Sonic The Hedgehog into Nintendo's hands
* The Simpsons (INCLUDING the Tracey Ullman shorts!)
* The career of Chris Farley
* Two cancellations of "Family Guy"
* Beanie Babies
* Virtual pets
* Pokemon
* Power Rangers

The most disturbing fact is that I suffered through all of the NINETIES, and made it out alive. My word.

1 comment:

fergojisan said...

Happy birthday! But you forgot about "Pogs." Perhaps rightly so.