Thursday, April 16, 2009

Andy Kaufman strikes again?

Just spotted this on Yahoo...

California's mysterious ex-school board member Steve Rocco faces up to six months in jail for stealing a ketchup bottle from the school. Are you aware of who they may actually be locking up?

Hint: He died 25 years ago.

For those unaware of Rocco's back story, he emerged out of the blue and ran for a California school board, managing to win despite never making a public appearance. He proved himself to be a nuisance at meetings, being loud, sarcastic, and relentlessly insulting towards his fellow board members. Oh yeah, and he also began a website -

Since his strange emergence, talk began to circulate that Rocco, about whom no background information has been found to this day, was in fact an alter-ego of Andy Kaufman. Not only did online registries show Rocco as the creator of this controversial site that cryptically claimed Kaufman to be alive, but Rocco publicly admitted to its creation.

The name of the registrar was then changed to Stephen Maddox, allegedly the name of a character from an old film about a man who faked his own death. The mysterious "Maddox" began claiming that he himself was Andy Kaufman, living comfortably and privately under a pseudonym. Stephen/Andy *also* claimed that, like Foreign Man and Tony Clifton, Steve Rocco was just another of his characters. (Fans have noted Rocco's facial resemblance to Kaufman, and in a discussion about the topic on The Overnightscape, an online radio show, it was mentioned by a long-time follower of Andy's supposed death hoax that Rocco appeared sans his trademark sunglasses on public access TV in the mid-Nineties, and bore a striking resemblance to Kaufman.)

So is the jailbound Rocco in fact Andy Kaufman, alive and well and stealing ketchup? Only time will tell. If Maddox and Rocco are the same person, then surely, the often updated Andy Kaufman Lives will sit dormant throughout Rocco's up-to-six-month sentence. Then again... perhaps this ridiculous ketchup controversy is just another genius Kaufman prank??


Anonymous said...

no, stephen maddox is his real name. has maddox at a fair where he pulls out his license and has a random person read the name on it. people have also found out who the owner of is, and his name is stephen maddox. he is not in california, he is in new mexico.

rocco doesn't have a computer. google steve rocco pamphlet and this becomes painfully obvious.

The Rabid Child said...

I'm almost certain that somewhere, 'Stephen Maddox' said that Steve Rocco was a character of his.

I'm thinking it might've been the Overnightscape interview.

Anonymous said...

if you have read the oc weekly interview, it is obvious that the man they interviewed (through emails over the internet, yes, they say that) is maddox.

at one point, maddox used various aliases on his website. first enrique presley, then steve rocco after rocco was elected to the school board and made the news, and that is why oc weekly claims rocco is maddox. proof is in the internet archive's wayback machine.

the steve rocco videos on youtube are from a documentary, he is not acting.

The Rabid Child said...

I also believe that Rocco himself claimed to have started Andy Kaufman Lives; but don't take my word on that, as I don't remember the source?


Anonymous said...

yes, i just told you maddox claimed he was a variety of people and that he talked to an oc weekly reporter through email about his website pretending he was rocco.

any quotes pertaining to rocco starting akl would be on akl (internet archive's wayback machine) and oc weekly.